2 February 2012

Slightly obsessive

I think it can go without saying that when I get into something, I tend to go pretty full-tilt. Setting up house seems to be no exception. Aaaand, as a sub-category of setting up house, the hunt for various relevant items has now become all-consuming. Wanna know what I'm currently after?

A shopping trolley.

Yes, that's right, an old lady shopping trolley. It just makes so much sense! I spent a lot of money on chiropractic care, I don't see the point in tossing it all way by carrying heavy bags to and from the grocery store every day (yes, I go every day...more on that some other time). It also would make a big difference if I didn't have to make three trips back to the house when I go out to buy larger things. This week in one afternoon I did three round trips from house to shops and back again for veg, a garbage can and a proper food shop plus filing cabinet. That last trip was a bit difficult, but I couldn't stand the thought of going out a fourth time. So I need a trolley.

If I was in Canada, I feel like I'd have a pretty good idea of where to go to get said trolley. Over here I'm not having the same luck. Obviously I'm not as familiar with the stores and their wares, nor am I a pro at navigating my neighbourhood, so that's going to count for something. But oh man, I'm seeing them everywhere! I just can't buy them: people are using them. They must come from somewhere. I mean, they can't all be coming from Shopping Trolleys Direct, but I also don't want to be the crazed lunatic who stalks people with good quality trolleys to ask them where they were purchased. No matter how innocent and well-meaning I can make that inquiry sound, the obsessive look in my eyes will give me away. I think it's safe to say that I've given more consideration into the features of a $50 trolley than I did over our $22,000 car. Wheel composition is my biggest concern, followed closely by compact shape and, finally, if I ever hope to get James to do the shop, I need to consider colour (or lack thereof). Despite the fact that it goes against every fibre of my being to look at something plain, I will not be getting animal print. In this, and only this, James wins.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to continue scouring the internet for the trolley of my reasonably priced dreams.

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